Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Happy New Year

Best of wishes for the coming year 2009.

Friday, December 19, 2008

7 questions you must ask yourself..

1. What is virtue?
2.What is courage?
3. What is justice?
4.What is piety?
5.What is moderation?
6.What is good?
7.What is your character?

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Saturday, September 27, 2008

Sunday, September 7, 2008


What are you planning to achieve in the NEXT:-

•3 minutes

•3 hours

•3 days

•3 weeks

•3 months

•3 years

Whenever your mind goes wandering, gently pull it back by answering these questions. Consistency on your part will make your goal into a reality.

Remember that self –control increases willpower-the ability to resist impulses and delay gratification is highly associated with success in your life. Sometimes the simplest thing is the hardest thing to do. Do it.

Every time you exercise your willpower you strengthen it.

Remember that as your will power expands your fears, worries will begin to disappear.


•Envision doing something that brings you joy. Reading a page-turner, travelling on holiday.Paying attention becomes effortless.

•When you are in this FOCUS SURF ZONE you are relaxed-alert. You have effortless attention, power to finish any task you start, able to make sound decisions.

•You can feel a calm sense of purpose and motivation.

•Olympic athletics can stay in their zone by choice. Peak performance is dependent on you being in the FOCUS SURF ZONE.


•Breathe through in and out through the nostrils.

•70% waste is cleared by your breath through your lungs.

•20 sets three times a day.

•4 counts to breathe in

•12 counts to hold the breath

•8 counts to exhale.

Pointers for PSLE Revision Plan

•Minimum of 12 hours per week of revision time [not including homework or tuitions]

•Just two hours daily except Sunday.

•Revise one subject per day. [ 4days x 2 = 8hours]

•The balance of two days for weak subjects.

•Get your time chart done.

•Use post it paper to write your subject/lesson for the day/worksheet/assessment paper.

•When completed- put a STAR and paste it on the side of your time chart to show how well you are doing.


•A habit will only become a permanent habit if there is Repetition of the intended habit.

•Eat your breakfast daily.Have half/hard boil egg for breakfast.[no scrambled or fried egg.]

•Sleep 8 hrs daily. Create a bed time ritual of no TV/phone/computer half an hour before bed time. Listen to soothing music.

•Read the newspaper daily.

•Breathing exercises make you stronger mentally and emotionally.Always be in the FOCUS SURF ZONE during revision and examinations

•Finish your time chart for your revision.

• Goal setting only works if you constantly view it. Have affirmations to support it. Visualize it as we trained you in the MEDALS Program.

•Goal Setting + Time Management =Task Management[Work Plan]

•Remember that as a student you must have courage. One of the least noticed forms of courage is SIMPLE CONSISTENCY.

•Remember that self –control increases willpower-the ability to resist impulses and delay gratification is highly associated with success in your life. Sometimes the simplest thing is the hardest thing to do. Do it. Every time you exercise your willpower you strengthen it. Remember that as your will power expands your fears, worries will begin to disappear.

•Brush your teeth with the non dominant hand to increase your will power. When you comb your hair, SMILE into the mirror and say wonderful things about yourself.

•Every day before you go to sleep find 3 people you are thankful for your life/3 things that you are thankful for the day.

•What is stopping you from being the best that you can be?

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

MEDALS- Photo Essay 1

VOCAB NINJA- a game created by Mr. Pugalenthii to increase the vocabulary of the students

Students asking for autographs after the course.

New Town Secondary School. Medals course being conducted.

Northland Sec School. Pugalenthii conduc

Fu Chun Sec School

Sinda Motivational Course conducted at Sinda's Premises

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Ten Study Traps


1."I Don't Know Where To Begin."

Take Control.
Make a list of all the things you have to do.
Break your workload down into manageable chunks. Prioritize! Schedule your time realistically.
Don't skip classes near an exam -- you may miss a review session.
Use that hour in between classes to review notes.
Interrupt study time with planned study breaks.

2. "I've Got So Much To Study . . . And So Little Time."

Survey your syllabus, reading material, and notes.
Identify the most important topics emphasized, and areas still not understood.
Previewing saves time, especially with non-fiction reading, by helping you organize
Adapt this method to your own style and study material

3. "This Stuff Is So Dry, I Can't Even Stay Awake Reading It."

Get actively involved with the text as you read.
Ask yourself, "What is important to remember about this section?"
Take notes or underline key concepts.
Stay on the offensive, especially with material that you don't find interesting,

4. "I Read It. I Understand It. But I Just Can't Get It To Sink In."

We remember best the things that are most meaningful to us. Try to elaborate upon new information with your own examples. Try to integrate what you're studying with what you already know. Some techniques include:

Chunking: An effective way to simplify and make information more meaningful.

Mnemonics: Any memory-assisting technique that helps us to associate new information with something familiar.

5. "I Guess I Understand It."

Test yourself.
Make up questions about key sections in notes or reading.
Keep in mind what the professor has stressed in the course.
Examine the relationships between concepts and sections.

6. "There's Too Much To Remember."

Information is recalled better if it is represented in an organized framework that will make retrieval more systematic.
There are many techniques that can help you organize new information, including:

Write chapter outlines or summaries; emphasize relationships between sections.

Group information into categories or hierarchies, where possible.
Information Mapping. Draw up a matrix to organize and inter-relate material.

7. "I Knew It A Minute Ago."

Try to recall the information contained in it.
Try answering the questions you made up for that section.
If you cannot recall enough, re-read portions you had trouble remembering.
The more time you spend studying, the more you tend to recall.

8. "But I Like To Study In Bed"

Recall is better when study context (physical location, as well as mental, emotional, and physical state) are similar to the test context.
The greater the similarity between the study setting and the test setting, the greater the likelihood that material studied will be recalled during the test.

9. "Cramming Before A Test Helps Keep It Fresh In My Mind."

Start studying now.
Keep studying as you go along. Begin with an hour or two a day about one week before the exam, and then increase study time as the exam approaches.
Recall increases as study time gets spread out over time.

10. "I'm Gonna Stay Up All Night 'til I Get This."

Avoid Mental Exhaustion.
Take short breaks often when studying.
Before a test, have a rested mind.
When you take a study break, and just before you go to sleep at night, don't think about academics.
Relax and unwind, mentally and physically.
It's more important than ever to take care of yourself before an exam!
Eat well, sleep, and get enough exercise.

PASS: A new strategy for reading text books

PASS: A new strategy for reading text books

PASS:- Plan, Action, Speak, Summarize


Establish a good physical environment.
Relax and set a positive attitude.
Review instructions.
Review lecture notes.
Set your purpose.
Preview the assignment.
Organize your thoughts.
Determine what you want to know when you finish reading.


Be actively involved.
Check your comprehension as you read.
Restate ideas in your own words.
Form mental pictures.
Compare what you are reading to what you know.
Answer the questions you developed during pre-reading.
Fix-up your comprehension when needed.


Consolidate and integrate information.
Answer questions.
Test yourself.
Participate in a study group.
Space your review over time.
Decide what else you need to know
If you don't understand what you are reading

Define unfamiliar words.
Use chapter objectives and headings/subheadings
Review related graphics
Reread a portion.
Keep the problem on hold and continue reading.
Compare information with notes or another source
Ask someone.


Reread thoughts you've organized
Answer questions.
Consolidate and integrate information
Participate in a study group.
Test yourself.

“Words are a lens to focus one’s mind.” – Ayn Rard.



“Practise is the best of all instincts” – Pubilius Syrus

Students become fluent readers by reading (Allington, 1980). Yet in elementary schools today, students read an average of only 78 minutes daily (U.S. Department of Education, 1986). Struggling readers read even less.

Struggling readers cannot or will not independently read the books in classrooms and libraries and often pretend they are reading. With increased use of heterogeneous grouping, struggling readers cannot read the basals and anthologies in use in their classroom. Also, poor fluency is a self-perpetuating problem. Struggling readers read so few words during their instructional and independent reading time that the gap between them and their peers continually widens.

Combining teacher modeling, repeated reading, and self-monitoring of progress creates a powerful tool to attack the fluency problem of struggling readers.

Teacher modeling improves the reading fluency of students (Eldredge and Quinn, 1988; Heckelman, 1969; McAllister, 1989; Reitsma, 1988). Teacher modeling consists of a proficient reader modeling good, correct reading for a less able reader .The student reads along quietly while listening to a tape of the passage until s/he is able to read the passage alone. The tape models correct expression and phrasing.

Repeated reading also improves fluency (Dowhower, 1987; Knupp, 1988; Koskinen, 1984; Larking, 1988, Rashotte, 1985; Richek, 1988). With this strategy, the student reads a passage of 100-200 words many times until the passage can be read fluently. The student rereads the passage until s/he is able to read it at a minimum of 80 words per minute. The 80-word-per-minute goal is an important starting point; the goal increases as the student's fluency improves.

Finally, daily monitoring of student progress improves student achievement (Schunk, 1982). The strategy involves 20-25 minutes a day, three to five days a week. Periodically, the teacher assesses the student's progress to ensure that the correct level of reading material is being used and that the appropriate fluency goal has been set.

Subvocalisation is the tendency to mumble and mutter ‘silently’ whilst reading, with or without lip movement. Your reading speed might be lowered but for a ‘deep read’, it is useful. Not everything has to be speed read.

United Nations has a benchmark for functional literacy of 400wpm minimum, with comprehension at this speed is in the range of 70 – 80%.
Each human has around 137 million light preceptors, of which 110 million are used for peripheral vision, which means we can see much more than we believe and much more than we are reading.

Speed Reading Pointers

1. Do not read word for word. Read groups of words at a time.
2. Move forward. Do not ‘back skip’
3. Stay focused on the page you are reading.
4. Race. No lingering at words or pictures.
5. Do not slouch, keep an open posture. Both feet should be planted on the floor.
6. Eyes about 20 inches away from the reading material and reading material 20degrees to the horizontal.
7. Play baroque or new age music. (No lyrics) at about 60 beats per minute.

ORANGE- Memory Technique



People have memorized the Bible, Koran, Thirukural and even the phone book with ease. Have you wondered how this was possible? The reason is information that is organized is easier for the brain to learn, store and recall. Organizing new information using meaningful systems, groupings, relationships and patterns will make your brain work swifter.

Remember that the brain filters out 99% of all sensing stimuli it receives through the five senses. So what then filters through? Information that has meaning and information that has an emotional impact will influence your brain. Probably that’s why when you see a horror flick you remember it from scene to scene because of the emotional impact. Also when read a letter from your loved ones you remember it because it has special meaning.

So organize your work so that your memory can be improved.


Information that is to move from short term memory to long term memory must be reiterated, recapped, repeated, reviewed, rehearsed – you get the idea.

There was a study on random words and the power of the brain to remember

Delay Amt remembered
Immediately 100%
20 min 60%
60 min 45%
9 hr 35%
1 day 30%
2 Day 25%
6 Day 22%
30 Day 20%

Two ways for repetition

Rote Repetition- deliberate continuous repetitions of material in the same form it entered the short term memory. Repeating is the most common memory device which allows the brain to imprint the information more securely for later recall. As an old saying goes “If you don’t use it, you’re gonna lose it!”

Artistic Repetition- creates a connection and integrates the information by giving it some meaningful memory hooks.


Association: this is the method by which you link a thing to be remembered to a way of remembering it. The data already stored in your memory is arranged to a scheme that makes sense to you. When you introduce new data, you can recall it more effectively if you “store” it near similar or related data.

This allows you to create reminders within reminders, using your physical environment. Some times the brain to fight boredom requires constant stimulation. The psychologists call it the Von Resorff effect. Simply, it means a bizarre or an unusual thing or event becomes memorable, so associating your study to it will make you remember it for a long time.

A thought aligns your brain cells and it creates patterns and the chemical released connects more neurons creating a super highway. Association is how we are made to think.

You can create associations by:

Placing things on top of each other
Crashing things together
Merging images together
Wrapping them around each other
Rotating them around each other or having them dancing together
Linking them using the same color, smell, shape, or feeling


Research shows that marathon study sessions are not effective. You can accomplish far more by studying in short fifteen to twenty minutes time slot. Look at television programs for instance, most of them lasts for an hour. And the intervals come in every fifteen minutes. Apply that to your studying. In addition, as you are learning new information, you need to ensure that a quick review, of around a 15 minute mark, will help keep the data from getting lost.

We remember things better if what we are studying engages our senses, actions or emotions. Recite material aloud, use your hands and entire body as you pace and gesture back and forth. This technique also helps to battle boredom which puts memory to sleep.

The brain needs sleep to regenerate two chemicals: noradrenaline and serotonin, that helps to stimulate neurons in your brain. So have a good sleep before studying.

Stress stimulates the flow of Cortissol, a hormone that helps process carbohydrates but in excess can damage brain cells. Alcohol brakes down chemicals in the brain that are vital for communication between cells. Avoid it at all times.

Saturated fats reduce the flow of oxygen-rich blood to the brain. Avoiding those foods during your exam preparation time enhances your memory also. Coffee is good only if its moderate. If not, the caffeine will over excite the brain and make concentration and learning difficult.


Create pictures. Draw diagrams, make cartoons, use them to connect facts and illustrate relationships. Relationships within abstract concepts can be “seen” and recalled easily when visualized. The key is to use your imagination. Visual information is associated with a different part of the brain than verbal information. When you create a picture of the concept, you are “anchoring” the information in two parts of your brain, increasing your chances of recalling that information.


What is the point to know all the answers to an exam that ended one hour ago. Some students know all the answers but in the exam hall they just can’t extract the information out. Some of them struggle and waste valuable time over it. So, how do you extract the information you want at the moment you want it?

Remember something else when you are stuck- this will activate your lost memory.

Brainstorm your memory by writing lots of answers to related test questions and suddenly the answer you need, will appear.

What is Self esteem?

“Light your own fire.” Buddha

What is self esteem? There are many definitions to it. Let’s look at the characteristics that high-esteemed students have.

Lishner [1997] has summarized the characteristics of high esteem students.

Displays initiative, independence, curiosity and confidence
Show pride in their work
Trust their ideas
Set goals independently
Explore and ask questions
Initiate activities with confidence
Adapt to changes or stress
Tolerate frustration
Are comfortable with transitions
Can adjust to change
Describe self in positive terms
Have a cheerful mood

Having looked at it, can you judge how you would rate yourself if you look at yourself through the lens of the above characteristics?

There are many tests in the internet to gauage your level of self esteem.The results may vary from tests to tests. i would go into detail at another time. Nevertheless there is an important point you must remember.

If self esteem is dependent on reward, recognition, performance than that self esteem is external to you. When self esteem can be earned or bestowed by others upon you then the danger is it can be easily be lost or taken away by others.

But on the other hand if self esteem is internal, personally held, controlled by you then it can be sustained.


This exercise is about boosting self confidence and self esteem.
Close you eyes.
Put a smile of contentment on your face.
Before you open your eyes make your entire body feel the energy of contentment fill you up.
The smile generates good brain chemistry inside of you.
Do it before you leave your house to school.
Do it before each class starts or even before your game.
Do it for this week and see the changes inside of you and in class.
Write about it in your journal.

Saturday, August 2, 2008



when we were young
we wanted to rule the world
when we were married
we wanted to rule the house
when we were older
we wanted to rule the children
when we were aged
we wanted just to rule ourselves
when we are dead
who will rule us?

New Dangers

New Dangers

Man is the most cunning of animals
using the spill-over of potent emotions
he created living and languages

he changes his face for the faces he meets
builds verbal bridges with illusions
creates connections into coherent society

delegates man to be custodians of gods
and in that massive fragmentation
he incorporates bureaucratic laws

The face of the man becomes that of the society
and soon there are numerous followers
based on the omnipotent committees.

Plastic hearts & material relationships
are the footprints of a hollow society
Each individual oscillating on axis.

based upon a purpose of social economics
and man is an ingredient and a tool
who is defenceless and consumed alive.

The mind is kept in a silent dark corridor
and some make money while others toil.
A few enlighten men will soon revolt

giving suggestions that are lost in the media
where words and languages serve other purpose
not that of the reader or public but the owners.

commercial manifesto are the order of the day
and voting is to guarantee only survival
and reawakening is allowed within futile religions.

Each leader knows he can't lead nor change
the human imagination is without any vision
and no one can uplift this urban animals

whose children are born without any reason.
Indecisions gloom and complicate matters
that is flowing into artificial happiness

He does not realise he is lost and sad
till his leader is dead or voted out
or when he reaches old age full of doubts.

General tradition has been dislodged
formidable organization maneuvers for control
wars are created for economical survival

Bears and bulls run amok uncontrollable,
poverty rises to a new level hitherto unknown
soon we work our life away to breathe success

Monetary apparitions and material magic
are techniques to solidify loyalty
to the regime so that a few could succeed.

The few could be you, is what keeps others
to walk forward on thorns of reasons
that exemplify the company's decisions.

To grief is to be branded as a coward
to mute thoughts with will power is
what is needed for bearable survival.

The leader is soon not selected by masses.
he floats up the stream of meritocracy
and he has no idea what is the depth of poverty.

The face of the society is wrinkled
by corruption and selfish interests
that soon freezes aspirations and crumbles.

In a far distance there comes another face
a face of a stranger with a heart of gold
who can change the system again- overhaul

He smiles and walks away, neglecting his duties
He answers with questions and ask if really
masses want to escape this life of misery

people who can help are flying away
for they know the ingratitude of people.
leaving and fading is better than leading.

Society as we know of will soon fade away
into the barbed spheres of corporations
that will be owned by nations wrecked with religions

The cunningness will be there and law and order
will not curb the one who are creating it
and people will rot everything green thing away

To save the planet from the hungry,
from the leaders with masked face greedy
will there be one mythological Kalki ?

or are we to wrap ourselves in dark matter
resist the tearing pull of the dark energy
that will cease life and end all dreams.

Man is the most cunning of animals
and even he too will cease to exist
when he loses the will or beauty of life.

Van Gogh


the death of an artist prematurely
suicide due to financial insecurity
a priest who turned into an artist
to find spirituality in paintings.

potato eaters were his models
so vast a subject with no laurels
amidst the darkened high portraits
stares an artist who is just great.

Friday, August 1, 2008

Time Management Techniques for Students

Time Management Techniques for Students

Get off the phone.
Get off the chat line.
Study difficult or boring subjects first.
Be aware of your best time of day—study when you’ll be alert.
Use waiting time (study note cards while on the bus.)
Ask: Am I being too hard on myself?
Recognize your accomplishments!
Use a regular study area or a library.
Pay attention to your attention—are you focusing?
Learn to say no.
Get ready the night before.
Avoid noise distractions.
Notice how you misuse your time and change your habits.
Ask: Would I pay myself for what I’m doing right now? If yes, keep going!
Agree with roommates or family members about study time.
At the end of the day, Ask: Can I do just one more thing? If yes you’ll increase your overall productivity.
Ask: Am I doing the most important or urgent work first? Keep track of your priorities.
If a task seems hard, get started. Half the battle is beginning.
Start projects early rather than waiting until the last minute.
Allow flexibility in your schedule.
Avoid marathon study.
Ask: What is one task I can accomplish toward my goal? Then do it!
Get off the phone

Intro to Super Study Skills Book

Welcome To This Book

“The real voyage of discovery consists not in seeking new landscapes but in having new eyes” – Marcel Proust

Hope. The deep feeling inside of you has prompted you to pick up this book. You, of course know that you are not the result of your test or exams. You have tried your best many times but your results may not have reflected how smart you are or how much knowledge you have of the subject matter.

This book aims to give you a foundation within yourself to excel in your studies and in whatever endeavour you pursue.

The lessons in here are simple and what is expected of you is to be honest in the survey questions so that you come face to face with your inner workings.

One great saying is that, to know how others work is intelligence but to know how you yourself work is wisdom, since no two students have the same studying pattern, just like thumbprints. It is necessary to evaluate your style to find out what works for you and to garner the discipline to execute it. All you need is honesty and most importantly your believe in hope that dwells deep inside of you.

The lessons in this book are quite different from other studies. The usual way to amass knowledge is to read, attend classes, stimulate your senses and process the info through your intellectual database. However, these lessons are designed for you to study yourself, to motivate yourself so as to maximize your own potential and perform to your ultimate best.

Some parts of this book might seem so elementary and you may not want to do it and just skip it, but remember that the simplest exercise may be the one you need the most.

Tolman [1932cited Hayes& Orrell 1994] discovered that rats would learn to run a maze more quickly if there was a food reward at the end of it. Thinking of your life as a student, it might be necessary to give yourself a reward at the end of it. Well, a sumptuous meal might turn you on and motivate you.

What do astronauts and street gang members have in common?

Both groups are highly motivated. Both had role models, at an early age, of the person they wanted to be. Both attached a dream to their role model. The astronauts’ dreams lead them into the world of aviation. The street gang members’ dreams lead to imprisonment.

It is important to note here that all of us follow our dreams. Some of us have weak dreams that offer limited motivation - others have powerful dreams that are highly motivating. For most of us, our dreams are positive, for others, their dreams are self-destructive. Street gangs have very powerful, self-destructive ambitions, usually related to criminal activity. Our mind is a powerhouse that searches for ways to fulfill our dreams, whether they are right or wrong.

“All things change ; nothing hides. Into the same river one cannot step twice” – Heraclitus 500B.C.

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Flag Day


Take these coins of compassion
and do see me next week
i have not received
my stamp flag yet!

Thank you for giving me!
I feel good and great to
wear something that I did for charity.

I walk around proudly
wearing charity emblem religiously
on every darn Saturday morning.



you keep vigil for our prosperity.
standing there with calculated feng shui.
sprouting white water into the sea.
blessing the land with many tourists.

you do not have a past actually,
you are just a creation of an artist.
but now you are part of our identity.
the part that breathes with creativity.

soon some somber stories will be created
to add some substance to the modern legend.
all the artists will shower their contribution
for you are the living proof of a motherland
with children soon becoming creative legends.

Taxi Driver


I wait in the double-line
waiting for him or her to come
My engine purrs softly
as I see others waiting in line

The sky darkens slightly
and I hope he will arrive
I move forward slowly
to receive the chosen one

I am now the head of the line
as thousands follow behind
I have become the rightful leader
to welcome the chosen one

Here I see him coming
my disappointment causes alarm
My messenger wants a short trip
just to Kampung Glam

I have returned here
to become a follower again
Hoping my destiny will change
as i unravel the mystery again

Maybe the messenger will come and
show me a new destination far far away
so that I need not return
to queue up on this sad life again.



How can I become a stranger?
just because you call me strange
How can I become a sinner?
just because you call my actions sins
You have not seen my circumstances
Nor felt the joy of reason

So go away
go away
idealistic moralists
Who wants to link God with man

For the earth is alive and breathing
and has laws that governs every man.



You must think of your retirement
the day you start to work
when all the spending is done
the body will be weak to work

Who will support such weak bodies
used sugarcanes
that the state will disown speedily
Take some money put it aside
Nothing is better than dignity
For children might make you poverty
an excuse to ursurp your privacy

Save and save
Each coin is a blessed grace
to pay your bills
when you are living extra days

It takes twenty years
for someone to support you
It will take thirty years
for you to support yourself
After fifty, if you die at seventy
for the long twenty years
who will support you?


Business Talk


there is no need
to have heroes and giants
neither myths or legends

no need in deed
to have writers or poets
even Nobel laureates

i do not have time for poetry
all i need is to make money
save it up in the banks properly
otherwise i'll be in poverty

when i die i will not have even a grave
this country has no use of people who are dead
that is why we have left ancestral worship
for stocks and bonds salesmanship.

the issue here is bread and butter
if we lose it then people will flutter
to foreign soil in search of better pasture.
there is no need
to have heroes and giants
neither myths or legends......



i am a prisoner of love
and you hold the kunci.
My body is tired and exhausted
why don't you let me be free?

i have made love a thousand times
sang poetry and danced to make you glee.

All i ask of you now
won't you let this old man be free.

Hohem Salzburg Fortress

Hohem Salzburg Fortress


i stand on vulture tower
and see the town down below
the tiredness of climbing here
is lost as i see the sun's glow

i sit and wonder softly
about the sun, place and time
looking backward in time gone by
who else did watch the sun


sun sets today
like every other day
only i am here
to add history to this place
in my mini... life pages
i have visited this fortress
i wonder relentlessly.

Maybe i died on the very steep hills
and wanted to reach the towers
my life left my body
but my soul took the trouble

i am standing here wondering why
this place looks utterly familiar
it's totally bizarre, actually sad
i have been here at this towers.

It's a pity i do not know when
that i last saw the sunset
at this 600 year old castle
with mountains that lie far ahead


I am a tree
that did merrily see
million yellow sunsets

Housing dirty pigeons
keeping bloody history
standing tall and exhausted

if only I could speak
I could reveal the names
of great men who stood here before

watching the sun
pacing the place
to come up with their own ideas that glow

i am just a tree
in winter and summer
standing but nobody comes

like living poets
waiting for death
in plain printed pages.

god created poets

god created poets

god created poets
for they see beauty in mundane things
Every piece of noise
is glorious symphony of voices.

can anyone capture or relate
the vibration of our inner soul
that even human seem to possess
that is pushed behind to regress

Can anyone filter the misery
and shed light to the darken stage
that presses us down in regret

The dreams i hold are not for me alone
but for future generations to come.
they will see the fruits of my dreams
and may they bless me in rhymes.

Poets have a ego flower in their mind
but do have scent of love in their heart
The mixture is seen when you read
the verses they create with rhymes

i am writing so many verses
just to delight foes and friends
they might loosen their tense faces
and let their souls breathe in
happiness again and again.

The words are but excuses
to match the thoughts i dream off
All the mistakes in languages
are caused for my subconscious thoughts

i love to write
i live to write
God created poets
for they see beauty in mundane things

Life is the same



In Amsterdam, in a museum
among other things i notice a mirror
after gazing at the carved fringes
i peered into the golden mirror
and find to my shocking horror
that the person i knew was missing
surprisingly altogether.


i am happy to know
that others have lived
the very artistic way
that i want to live
with all my heart
in my ordinary way
i hope to achieve
the powerful key
to ignite all human mind
with all my poetry


Billions have increased in human species
but have we progressed artistically
Do the masses love poetry
or want to use a product aesthetically

In the cheapness of our economics
we create pigeon houses as buildings
all of us are fed and taken care of
but zest is lost and life a nightmare and regret

We have to feel the golden sunshine again
to revitalise the monetary chain
so our children may not feel ashamed
when they walk on the streets of Paris
they can proudly declare
that back home our life is the same.

Amsterdam Twilight

Amsterdam Twilight

as the cold canals criss-crosses
on the banks bicycles bounces
there i sit and totally resist
the beauty that implodes in my brains

on a lovely evening in Amsterdam
on a bench near a blue pram
i sit and write, in joyful delight
about child, sky and living life

even the tall trees do feel proud
to be standing beside a monument
how can i not feel the light
of a mighty great generation

even the shadows have many shades
and i sit and do contemplate
about death and about life
and my poetry about twilight

Eyes burning bright

Eyes burning bright

The eyes of the lamp-post
are burning bright
on an old man who is brooding
over his lost pride
The ugly faced monster of money
has eaten his youth alive
All past themes have lost
power meaning and delight

The walls surrounding our existence
is now falling down as rain
Angels are burnt by the vapour
that rises from our materialistic gain
Dreams are but dark omens
that will claw into your heart
To be alive is but a punishment
and death is only forgiveness
The rest of our life and existence
is left to our watching imagination.

I need my own opinions


am i guilty because
someone wrote the law
is my conscience pricking
the membrane of my soul.

We don't know how this world began
we listen to scientists
who didn't live then.
They tell, sell all their stuff with rational glue
the question is, is it really important?

Politicians have to make our lives
how else can they provide solutions
so they can get voted.
Solutions for problems that shouldn't exist

All things are calculated
from the time the sun stops
to the time the train leaves
from the time the rain drops.
To even the time you plant a kiss
all things are repeating
in a calculated fashion.

There is no human law
to make the sun shine,
to make the sky dark,
to make the clouds burst,
to make the grass grow, and
to make the tide rise and fall.

I am thinking. I need my own opinions.

Mother Earth


Can my mother hold so many sinners
who feed upon her beautiful fruits
and splatter disease and blood on her?

If she decides not to spin for a day
we will all be floating and dead
Imagine her losing her powerful axis
and gravity we know of will cease to exist

Imagine her failing to revolve
around the mighty golden sun
we think we are omnipotent
In reality we are adopted children

Placed here by the order of divine
The best things that can happen now
is for us to leave her wilderness alone
Why can't we repent and show regret
give credit and love where it belongs.



The rain is out of tune today
as i sit and wonder away
the wind flows through the concrete maze
and hits my soft face.

The dark sky shakes after every thunder
and the gods are at war today
somewhere a priest prays for humans
softly asking why humans are at war today.

and i sit here just watching
nature at play.

[ the title was given by my friend Aleric after reading the poem]



Like soldiers for inspection
they all line up in a row
some are spoilt and short
and others are very tall
But all of them are there
to signify human powers
to prevent the winds howling
and its destroying prowess




glittering water, glowing sun

setting slowly without a sound

reddish glow on the palm leaves

swaying in the gentle breeze

caressing waves and salty air

reddened sun ends the day.

(Sri Lanka )



glittering water, glowing sun

setting slowly without a sound

reddish glow on the palm leaves

swaying in the gentle breeze

caressing waves and salty air

reddened sun ends the day.

(Sri Lanka )

Sun Beams


Rays of gold
hit my wall
to form patterns
unknown to me.

A free show like in a gallery
that pleases the soft eyes
and softens the souls totally.

Day after day
the very same patterns
change their hues
as the sun sets slowly.

Every morning and evening
without fail it beautifies
our houses with beams.

So many miles away
and yet the sun does create
joy and beauty
in virtual reality.

[inspired by Tagore]



White bright lovely clouds
mother of rain in sheer delight.

White, bright look-alike souls
but do you have indeed a soul?

Thick as oceans, wide as continents
resplendent in nature.

Moving above mountains on earth
maybe searching for a soul.

Malaysia 1989



trams have not invaded the
brown beautiful country-side
where rails and black roads
stretch to do justice
by not imposing themselves on nature
by slicing the paradise
i have not yet witnessed the aggression
when man took arms against nature.
but here i am totally dumbfounded
to see man within nature.
All the meadows are now grassland
and the living men are blessed then.
Men leading the march
for the sake of the gasping land.

Germany 1991

Through a window



I saw green grass
and brown earth
side by side
allotted patches
stretching far and wide
till my eyes reaches
a hill covered with woods.


The sombre morning breakfast
on a moving train coach
kept my hunger below pain
as i headed eastwards,
in a warm cabin, for Salzburg
i see beautiful things.

Houses here and there
all scattered like wild stars
designed by artistic men
who never saw trains in their lives.

Cows and sheep
graze the wet land
all in tacit harmony
a silver wire separates
the meadow into boundaries.

The web of electrical lines
stretches from zone to zone
like the railway lines in the city
they slice the green meadows.

[Train ride… Europe 1991]

What separates us from Death

What separates us from Death?

What separates us from death?
The answer is music

The tunes of problems have
exhausted our living organs
The timing in life is abrupt
pointless and incongruent

We feel that there is no more music
can come out of this divine body
so we decide to leave it
and end this orchestratic melancholy

On our way passing the golden river
we hear the eternal tune,
the boatman sings and we can remember
when we were born
we heard it last and we cried.

a fragment of freedom that we
have long forgotten
a parcel of peace that we
have since pursued
a channel for conversation that we
have carefully cherished.



The railway tracks are meeting
and I am very joyful
as we head towards a journey
to meet Mozart in a time spool

i like to rewind the memories
of a great master's musical kid
who has silently inspired thousands
and me with wooden piano keys.

the cold winds are following
and i could feel the music in the wind
i just need some paper
to write the notes from within

The railway tracks are merging
and i head for Salzburg
i hope to find the notes
that made me write this verse.



The railway tracks are meeting
and I am very joyful
as we head towards a journey
to meet Mozart in a time spool

i like to rewind the memories
of a great master's musical kid
who has silently inspired thousands
and me with wooden piano keys.

the cold winds are following
and i could feel the music in the wind
i just need some paper
to write the notes from within

The railway tracks are merging
and i head for Salzburg
i hope to find the notes
that made me write this verse.



The invigorating beats of the tai ko
felt like a cold morning shower
awakening the tired mind
raising it from slumber

The rhythmic kompang drums
felt like pounding heart beats
that made my body elated
with a joy of being crowned

The astounding miridangam sounds
like a meditative charm
awakening my powerless mind
shielding me from materialistic harm

The music of the drums
are enchanted flowers
blooming with an aroma
that delight as well as intrigue us

Music is alive within us all
and it is the language of the souls
that can uplift us and bind us all

Ode to Mozart


Mozart, I have been where you have been.
I have seen your life in other people's dreams
i am here to understand your vibration
that made a kid create a new tradition
a musical master both natured and nurtured
i read your letters that would make you a poet.

i need to know are you still inside there?
waiting for 200 years to be born
come down soon to display to us
the musical madness that is yours.

Let the world breathe
new fresh compositions
please be born again
to revive musical illusions.

i see the things that
inspired you
i breathe the damp air
that greeted you.

i am calmly absorbing
your musical vibrations
grasping the melody
of the planks you walked.

i have lost my rhythm
while listening to you
i wonder if the reader will know
in which concerto I'm speaking to you.



food is cooked and prepared
with religious patience
they are then served slowly
with advancing army precision
sitting aimlessly on the terraces of Paris
this culinary vogue touches a chord
inside my mind that pictures an era
gone by, without me at all.

Winter's Breeze


The cold winds are gushing
at my face, pushing
the very membrane
that keeps me warm
by silent shivering
i try to maintain
pocketing my palms to keep me warm.

Vienna, Austria

Man in Motion


Isn't it sad that life is thought
to be an agony to live
How glad am I to realise
that those words should
not to be even thought
or realised in our dreams

Many wonders are made
by man and god for us
To enjoy and realise ourselves
as children of this earth

No misery, no problem ever will
keep me down and out
For I have a secret medicine
given by the grace of god

When ever I do feel death
or some sadness filling me in
I just keep mind and body silent,
and pray peace within

Sitting alone ,all alone
amidst a talking, moving crowd
it is not easy but there is no other way out.
If you just try to succeed
then failures are only passing scenes in life.

How short is Life?


How short is life
can only be known in death
when life separates the body
and leaves no visible track.

All the money, friends and family
will cease to be related
to the rotten flesh and dry bones.

Only the thoughts and deeds
of the dead man
will linger in the memory
of human race for eternity.

The song ... in the wind


I've always wondered of people who are great
From womb to grave they know their way
in the darkened corridor of their first home
A light of souls history must have seeped
like a song that constantly rings in the head
Endless singing, divine singing, Destiny speaking

The melody of the song became their blood
The tune itself burned into fiery spirit
the words transformed into rightful desires
And they worked and patiently created

And if in such moments when they fell
They heard the song whispered in the wind
The heart had fire centred with love
like the sun and its planet bonded but apart
They did their duty, suffered and rose
But walked humbly, living total apart

Listen, O Listen to the song in the wind
It could be playing the one for thee
Listen, O Listen very carefully
The song could change thy very destiny.

[ i was inspired by an old poem]




A naked belonging
Of touches and kisses
By lover or others
Only carnal charms


A passionate feeling
Of promises and presents
By people to each other
Only friendship smiles


A blissful feeling
Of eternal bonding
By souls from silence
Only truth triumphs

Talk to me...


your mind is a tomb
symphony of flutes

to me, just say anything
i can't see you like this
cold as a stone

just mumble a few words
that do not have to rhyme
just say you are mine

i can feel your coldness
though we stand together
i feel miserable

to me, you owe me at least
the chance to revive
our lost love.



The train is late today
and gladly i sit
for i like the delay
i watch the common multitude
going totally hurly-burly
and i sit with no worry
the train is late today
and gladly i sit
hoping for a replay.

Germany. Bad Soden

All the Angels have left...


All the angels have left earth
sleep closely my dear
i can sing a song or two for you
so that your eyes can dream too
sleep closely my dear.

All my dreams have a colour of blood
i'll try my best so they do not flood
your soul deep inside your heart .

All the angels have left earth
you are the last one my dear
i can sing a song or two
please don't forget me
as you leave my dear.




As he washed the face of a bad night
He couldn't avoid a wave of fright
when he remembered the horror
of the rape he did last night.

He is a make believe human being
accustomed to the roars of raping
He had a fleeting mechanical illusion
with malice and evil inspiration.


She wasn't the only one who thought so
nor the last one to ever realise
that male friends are not meant to be
trusted immediately at first sight.

She did not have a shudder of fear
when friends shared the bed and her
Though she was not for human sale
she was raffled over to other males.

She had a very drunken memory
about a dream of some plastic trees
Sadly, she didn't recognise the omen
and slept with the morning demons.


She lay face down on the dark path
her boyfriend fled without a fight
Her face all bruised but she had no tears
only shame and deadly fears.

Only one thing she can remember now
that he was holding her by her soft hair
with his powerful vicious left hand
and beating her face with the other.


Rape to him is a serious affection
without disorder of love and questions
How alone women are in the world
When rape victim is the only criminal?



Hi there, don't be alarmed
These are just bloody words
that crossed my mind
when death did come

Take your time, do not run
sit on a chair, sip a cup of tea
and have a dosage of black poetry
that blood has a share in eternity

I really hope you'll find it strange
to read something that you already know
like when the shadow calls your name
when you are in the dark, all alone

Looking at the mirror of life
many eyes are corridors to evil heart
an evil is trespassing whenever you read
a page that belongs to the demon
we turn weak and then fragile
trying to fight insanity by blowing the wind
our of the head that is breathing
the secret yantras of the dead and despised

Are you still that all intact
or your scared soul has fled
and left you a corpse with worms
Being dead is worse than a nightmare.

In Search of Words


The poems in here are fresh attempts
to capture our times and various realms.
But they do bring out the art of poetry
a vibrant modern spirit of discovery.

Their concern is but for common humanity
without the disorder of any human ideology.
There is now no time to brand all of them
and move aside if you do not walk with them.

Hands held high with a poetic pen
they are marching to form a poetic clan
Creating to fill the dearth of our poetry
by using the ink of our mega-prosperity.

Educated youths entranced by pulsating words
are searching words for their modern verse.
They are filling the chasm of yesterday and today
for you to re-live your memories by reading everyday.

Enlarging the circumference of our mind
by wording the intensity of life.
Only poetry can release the essence
of our sad mundane Singaporean lives.



I came and solved the problem
not because i had the solution
but because i refuse any journey
in which ego and anger were fellow travelers.

There are many moments in life we do see
that conversations are soon moving into accusations
that soon encompasses past history of sadness
The next thing you know the cycle repeats itself.

Clear thought with pure heart and mind is needed
to solve trivial matters or unrelated major ones.
The skill is in the sacred hands of the mediator
who can hurt no pride or ego of the questioned one.

The problem has now become a challenge
all are happy at the turn of the incidents.
Let the good nature in us hold hands together
and solve life crisis as humans with kindness.

Living Her Life

Living her life.

Let the world realise that such a woman did live
on this planet of man made Satan and sins
let the world leave the memories all alone
like the clouds gazing but not touching the moon

we have not felt the tribulations within her heart
never heard the howls of the clouds when it cries
never seen the scenes that wall papered her mind.
never felt the colour of sadness that crowds her lives.

is it easy to live the life that you preach to the others?
feel the gnawing drill on the tooth of our life
decaying in luxury, will feel pain after delight.
please feel for her, and cherish her pride.
curse the souls that condemn her for living her life.



When a man can queue
for hours to buy a 4-D
and quietly wait patiently
to buy a noodle delicacy
you may feel very happy
for this human quality

But then you realise
that he listens not to music
nor even read short poetry
All his life he is just queuing up
in mundane reality



even the clouds have lost
their moist beauty
as they brush against
monuments of humanity
even the seasons seem to have spared
the arrogance of corrosion
to annihilate every human possession

it will take only the mundane humans
as an example, patriotic Germans
to destroy human mind soul and spirit
to show that ugly side of human demons.



All this could not have been achieved
by didactic dogmatic democracy.
They have lived simple life
and they all think they owe it to democracy.
Like a deaf and dumb man with a dream
they would not be able to simply explain.
The inner workings of simple minds
that created a regime from a grassland.
Sad are those who led
sadder are those who just followed.

Streets of Zurich


The streets of Zurich are not really safe
as i felt fear and sweat
when walking very late
needles of illusion
and needless to say
scares the mental peace
when walking that place

i need law and i need safety
though i am not a citizen
doesn't the visitor need sanity.



We reached the cloudy Miami airport
totally exhausted and wringing in pain
the travel had pierced the peace
and weakened the body and brain

You exchange forceful words and
that leads to sanguine conversations
It does not really matter
what mundane matter was digested

The flight across the wavy oceans
and the vast continents below
made us feel like white soul-birds
flying above the tresses of mother-earth

The prison in the air moved faster
caressing the white clouds of maidens
the soul and mind is temporarily lost
for they are at different places
like a broken bow with Rama behind.

Do we have to be reminded like a curse
that we are just humans in this universe?
The space and scattered hopes that surround us
belittles our dancing spirit and ocean imagination,
the sun was up all day up in the mighty heaven
and we have taken a metallic chariot ride
to speak to god by using our souls as our voice.

The view from the glass window by my side
is a sealed spring that awaits to capture my
empty spaces where no words dare to trespass
nor scrolls of fires can burn the sad graves
of karmic past without mighty god's grace.

Atma the traveler in all ages and time
do not like the grave of empty spaces
that begins no where and ends anywhere
Empty spaces are dialogues of our past-play
that has to be erased from our mourning memory
only those fragrance of merit is passed on to reality
like new clothes worn and adored on Deepavali.



i am feeling lonely
concrete buildings surround me.
i search in vain and pain why is my heart crying

i am scared
worried of my deeds indeed
i tell no one of sinister monsters deep within me

i need someone
to tell my woes and anguish
i look around who isn't busy mind idling

i once dreamt
of love, kindness of motherly care
i left it at home when my parents left with death

i am searching
but my filled wallets tell no joy
i wonder if this paper is actually satan's ploy

i look at you
and you and you with glittering eyes
i feel so sad that you are creating to plagiarise

i think slowly
with my fingers clenched in fury
i am a mad man that the world disowned speedily

i smile at myself
people all glance without looking
i walk away so as to spoil their sympathy

i know now that
i know nothing truly
i realise feelings sometimes transcends activity

i beg you
not to tell anyone who dares not ask
i ask questions which are answers in disguise

i speak to
no one who speaks to others
i can speak to myself in silence amidst others
i am lost inside
like stars in bright daylight
i existed without exiting exciting pride

i tried it out
silence, silence, silence
i know no other relishing peaceful medicine

i tell no lies
winning, earning have no pleasure
i can't live when chosen leaders measure

i smell roses,
flowers all free at the park
i stage dramas in my head inside the dark

i feel happy
all this are lessons to be laughed
i am happy to be breathing and to be alive

Lead me on


i walk hand in hand with God
Once i used to lead him
and he would just follow
Till we are lost and I'm in despair
he still would not lead me
i asked him why he didn't
lead me when i was down
He simply turned around and said
he was waiting for me to ask instead

i, beyond me


my hands are too small
to hold my dreams and visions
so i lay them to rest
upon the hands of the Almighty
The strength i receive
is not only moral and physical
But has a profound
keenness of human spirituality

Things around me have
stopped movement momentarily
i have become the centre
of the workings surrounding me
am i blessed
or is it my misfortune?

i seek HIS help
for whatever the reason
for now i am more happy
and less ignorant
even when i don't know the reason
or the ways of this prison.